First Strike Mod Wiki
First Strike Mod Wiki
Carrack-class Cruiser
Faction Galactic Empire
Class Frigate
Role Escort frigate, patrol
Technical Information
Position #1 Captain, forward-firing dual proton torpedo launchers (each launcher fires four at a time).
Position #2 Gunner, starboard Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and right.
Position #3 Gunner, port Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and left.
Position #4 Gunner, starboard laser cannons. Firing arc is limited to front and right.
Position #5 Gunner, port laser cannons. Firing arc is limited to front and left.
Equipment Dual proton torpedo tubes, two anti-capital ship turbolasers, two anti-fighter laser cannons

Designed during the Clone Wars, the Carrack-class Light Cruiser, better known simply as the Carrack Cruiser, is a medium-sized escort vessel designed to protect convoys from raids. Heavily armed for space combat with dual torpedo tubes, two turbolasers, and anti-fighter laser cannons, the Carrack is also deployed in fleet engagements. The ship has hangar bays and external TIE Fighter launch racks, but as of version 1.4, these don't serve a purpose in First Strike.

When fighting a Carrack Cruiser, use agility to your advantage. Whenever the ship has you in her sights, you'll be subjected to volleys of proton torpedoes, which will drain your hit points very fast. These torpedoes can only be fired straight forward, so maneuver your vessel so that you can't be hit.

  • Imperial warship: Imperial starships are more heavily armoured than their Rebel counterparts.