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First Strike Mod Wiki
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Faction Rebel Alliance
Class Escort frigate
Technical Information
Position #1 Driver / Gunner, forward quad Turbolaser on the front of the lowest deck. Firing arc is fixed straight forwards.
Position #2 Gunner, starboard Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and right.
Position #3 Gunner, port Dual Turbolaser. Firing arc is limited to front and left.
Position #4 Gunner, starboard laser cannons. Firing arc is limited to front and right.
Position #5 Gunner, port laser cannons. Firing arc is limited to front and left.
Equipment 1 x fixed Taim & Bak XI7 anti-capital ship quad turbolaser, 2 x dual Taim & Bak H9 anti-capital ship turbolasers, 2 x Borstel RH8 anti-fighter laser cannons

The EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate is an armored warship that was designed specifically for heavy space combat and attacking enemy capital ships head-on. Originally sold to the Empire in large numbers to protect convoys against Rebel attacks, the Rebels soon began to acquire a number of these ships through defection, capturing them in battle, or by outright theft.

Although not powerful enough to combat an Imperial Star Destroyer, the Nebulon B serves a vital military role in the Rebel Alliance by combating enemy starfighters and taking out opposing escort ships, such as the Imperial Carrack Cruiser. Its many weapons make it a formidable space superiority frigate.

48px-Dialog-warning.svgWarning: Never suicide out of a Nebulon-B, as this removes its spawn ability.