This page is designed to showcase the different Space environments created for First Strike. This can be helpful for map designers to see what models are available and how they are used.
The Death Star map is covered here: Battle of Yavin
Parmel Invasion Map (Boarding map) is covered here: Parmel Invasion
Battle of Talloraan showcases captial ship engagement and the use of a space freighter which was destructible and had automated defense turrets.
Space Container used in the "Strike at Parmel" map which was not destructable, but was set up in an animated loop to simulate activity around the station.
Tie Fighter shown against the background of the Parmel Station. This is a non-destructable version of the Parmel Station with no interior. The station does have automated defense turrets. It was used in First Strike to launch space fighters from the platforms and for resupply. The map game play space fighter combat with the Station adding atmosphere and interest to the map.
Silver Station is a non-destructable station used in the 'Silver Station' map as a "capture point" objective. The faction that captures the station gains control of the space defense satellites under the station control.
Space Defense satellites are automated. The owner of the nearby control point received assistance in defending the area from the assistance of the satellites.
Space Container Tanker shown without textures