First Strike Mod Wiki


Model by RedMonkey. The model is implemented in First Strike with cockpit. There are 2 seats. Pilot has blaster and IonCannon. Copilot has a guided missle.

"These particular craft have a capability previously unheard of for ships their size, the ability to evade sensors and scanners, rendering them effectively invisible. Obviously, with a fleet of such vessels, Darth Vader could devastate our forces with near impunity."
―Admiral Gial Ackbar —

The TIE/ph phantom, also referred to as a Phantom V38, was a prototype TIE Series starfighter developed by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. A modified V38 assault fighter, the TIE phantom was the result of a development project led by Grand Admiral Martio Batch and was equipped with both deflector shields and a hyperdrive, along with a technology not seen for decades—a stygium cloaking device.